Application of scanning electron microscopy and microanalysis (SEM) in the study of certain processes in Mollic Gleysols
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Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Environment Protection, University of Agriculture, Grunwaldzka 53, S0-357 Wrocław, Poland
Publication date: 2021-06-28
Int. Agrophys. 1994, 8(1): 37-46
The object of the study were soils representing three profiles of Mollic Gleysols. In the genetic horizons of the soils under study, the granulometric composition, pH, CaCO3, Ct, Nt, and the total content of Si, Fe, Ti, Ca, Mg, K and Na were determined. The study was conducted using a scanning microscope with microanalyser (SEM-EDXRA) on samples of undisturbed structure. It permitted more precise determination of the spatial distribution of certain components in the soils and showed the differentiation of their forms under the effect of the processes taking place in the soils, and especially redox processes.
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