Changes in the surface properties of the young sieve roots after 24h aluminium stress
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Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Doświadczalna 4, P.O. Box 201, 20-290 Lublin 27, Poland
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, University of Agriculture, Akademicka 15, 20-033 Lublin, Poland
Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Herman Otto 151022 Budapest, Hungary
Acceptance date: 2001-01-12
Int. Agrophys. 2001, 15(3): 201-206
Adsorption and variable surface charge of young sieve roots of triticale and wheat after 24 h aluminium stress were studied using water vapour adsorption isotherms and potentiometric titration data. Root surface areas increased and the amount of variable surface charge decreased after stress. Functions of adsorption energy distribution showed a decrease of the amount of highly energetic surface adsorption centres and an increase of the low energetic ones, which lead to a lowering of average water vapour adsorption energy of the stressed roots. Distribution functions of apparent surface dissociation constants showed a decrease of surface acidity. The observed changes were more pronounced for the roots that were not able to grow further after stress.
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