Preservation of fresh grapes at ice-temperature-high-humidity
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School of Food Science & Technology, Wuxi University of Light Industry, Wuxi, 214036, China
Acceptance date: 2000-03-24
Int. Agrophys. 2001, 15(2): 139-143
Biochemical changes in grapes during the ice-temperature-high-humidity (ITHH) preservation were analyzed through tests. The rules of changes in the content of soluble solids, reductive sugar, total acid, respiratory intensity and press resistance during storage test were studied. The causes of those changes and the relation among them were analyzed. The results showed that changes in grapes during 60 days of ITHH preservation were small, and there is not any distinct difference in texture and flavour between the tested grapes and fresh grapes, so that the ITHH preservation is a prefered method.
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